The Arts
The Links support of The Arts can be traced to our cultured co-founder Margaret Roselle Hawkins. Her innate artistic talent, discovered at a young age, earned her a four-year scholarship to the Women's School of Design, later known as the Moore Institute of Art. Her passion for creative expression later led to her appointment as an art teacher, and helped give root to the establishment of The Arts facet in 1964 at the 14th National Assembly.

International Trends and Services
The mission of the International Trends & Services Facet is to expand the global platform for programs designed to address afflicted populations with the harshest aspects of poverty. We work aggressively to provide programming which builds healthier, better-educated and culturally sustainable communities for people of African descent. The programmatic components of the facet are delivered through consciousable awareness of our SWAG Girl group activities and demonstrated empowerment methods that reach women, children and their families throughout the world. Instead of victims, we shape women and girls into powerful global citizens who impact world change.

Services to Youth
The Links, Incorporated created its first program facet, Services to Youth, to equip black youth to use their intellect and spirit of achievement to become successful and productive citizens. Today, The Links, Incorporated continues to implement aligned, integrated and transformational programs that are responsive to the academic, health, cultural, social awareness, career development, and mentoring needs of youth. The Services to Youth facet uses an integrated approach to prepare young people to succeed as healthy citizens in the global workforce and to promote healthy lifestyles within families and communities.

National Trends and Services
The National Trends and Services facet strives to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers through advocacy, education, and services in our community. We work to implement sustainable and measurable programs; increase collaborative partnerships; and extend our initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need. Below are initiatives we have recently implemented consisting of programs that have served as a catalyst for change promoting individual and community empowerment.

Health and Human Services
Health and Human Services is a program included under the five targeted facets of The Links, incorporated. The goal of Health and Human Services is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources and community education. The PNMC actively collaborates and coordinates community events with our targeted audiences of young ladies ages 12 – 16 and women. There are eight programs that fall under Health and Human Services with national and local focus throughout the year.

Legislative Issues & Public Affairs
The Legislative Issues and Public Affairs (LI&PA) Committee serves to increase the civic engagement of the local and regional community. The committee works to increase community involvement and awareness by collaborating with local civic organizations, Greek organizations, school districts, churches, and government officials to provide voter registration, education, and civic empowerment programming.
To further the goal of an actively engaged community, the LI&PA Committee sponsors candidate forums, voter education and empowerment workshops, and voter registration drives. To ensure that the voices of our community members are heard, our programming also includes town hall meetings with local judges and state representatives, furthering our committee’s motto of “Speaking to the Issues and Serving the Stakeholders.”